(334) 285-6428      admin@cityofmillbrook.org      3160 Main Street, Millbrook, AL 36054

Municipal Court

The City of Millbrook Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the city government. The Municipal Court handles the following; motor vehicle and traffic violations, criminal misdemeanors, and municipal ordinance violations established by the Code of Ordinances committed within the city limits of Millbrook, Alabama. The purpose of the court is to provide a fair, impartial, and efficient process whereby violations are adjudicated. It is our mission to provide the best quality service to the citizens of Millbrook and those who visit our city.

Court Schedule

Court is held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the courtroom of the Millbrook Police and Municipal Court Building located at 3900 Grandview Road. Starting times are provided on court documents for appearance date and times.

Court Officials

Municipal Court Judge
The Honorable Bradley Ekdahl

Municipal Court Prosecutor and Appellate Attorney
Mr. Bradley Hawley


Sherry Myrick
Phone: 334-285-6475
Fax: 334-285-6104


3900 Grandview Road
Millbrook, Alabama 36054
Driving Directions


P.O. Box 630
Millbrook, Alabama 36054


Monday – Friday (Excluding Holidays)
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.