Planning and Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Department assists and serves citizens and developers with the land development process to ensure quality development within the City of Millbrook and its police jurisdiction that includes long-range developmental planning, zoning, and subdivision approval.
The Planning and Zoning Administrator coordinates with the appropriate department heads in the review of site plans and plats for compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and other city ordinances that may apply.
Disclaimer: This map is for planning purposes only. It is not intended to be used for description, conveyance, authoritative definition of legal boundary, or property title. Users are encouraged to contact the City’s Planning & Zoning Administrator to verify its accuracy, currency, and limitations.
Zoning Ordinance Z15-01 was adopted on 2-10-15. To receive a copy of the Zoning Ordinance please contact the Planning & Zoning Administrator at 334-285-6428. There is a fee to receive a copy of the Zoning Ordinance.
The City of Millbrook Planning Commission meetings are held the third Tuesdays of every month beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the courtroom of the Millbrook Police and Municipal Court Building located at 3900 Grandview Road. A work session precedes the Planning Commission meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the conference room adjacent to the courtroom.
The Board of Zoning Adjustments is comprised of five regular members and two supernumerary members appointed by the City Council. The Board hears variance requests, uses permitted on appeal and appeals of administrative decisions. The Board meets the 1st Monday of each month.
Please print and complete the appropriate Application Form and return to the Planning and Zoning Department located in the Millbrook City Hall.
Anita Weaver
Planning and Zoning Administrator
Phone: 334-285-6428
Fax: 334-285-6460
3160 Main Steet
Millbrook, Alabama 36054
Driving Directions
P.O. Box 630
Millbrook, Alabama 36054
Monday – Friday (Excluding Holidays)
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.